My Jasper…

Let me be transparent about why you might notice an abundance of dog pictures on my website. Firstly, my wife prefers not to have her pictures posted online, so that's one reason. But beyond that, my website revolves around therapy, mental health support, and the journey of self-care. I wanted to feature elements that reflect what I love and what sustains me.

Between 2018 and 2019, before the pandemic struck, my life took a tumultuous turn. My father received a diagnosis of dementia, and my demanding full-time job, coupled with the need to travel frequently from Yorkshire to Kent to assist my family, intensified the pressure. Trapped in a cycle of responsibility and unable to communicate my struggles, I kept everything bottled up for over a year. It wasn't until my wife insisted that I see a doctor that I began to address my mental health. Initially, I was prescribed anti-depressants, which helped me function but left me emotionally numb. Eventually, therapy became an integral part of my healing journey.

This isn't a proclamation about the merits or drawbacks of medication; it's a reminder that seeking professional guidance is crucial. Medication may help manage symptoms, but it wasn't sufficient to address the deeper issues of loneliness, identity crisis, and self-worth that I grappled with. Therapy became the conduit through which I reconnected with my loved ones, including my wife, family, friends, and my newfound companion, Jasper.

The combination of therapy and the routine care of Jasper, following my decision to transition from full-time employment to self-employment to become my father's primary caregiver, was instrumental in my recovery. This shift allowed me to provide consultancy services to the NHS during the pandemic while also charting a path toward becoming a therapist myself.

To me, Jasper embodies the essence of therapy and self-care in furry form. If you're navigating a challenging period, feeling isolated, or struggling with mental health issues like anxiety, depression, or grief, therapy can be immensely beneficial.

Feel free to stay engaged with my blog and social media channels where I'll share tips, resources, and information about local mental health services. Remember to take care of yourself, and may you find your own version of Jasper along your journey.


Thinking & Understanding in Dangerous times


Prioritising Mental Health