Why can’t I get an Autism or ADHD Assessment, Help!!

The UK is currently facing a significant backlog in autism and ADHD assessments, with many individuals waiting over a year or more for a diagnosis. This surge in demand can be attributed to several factors, including increased awareness, improved screening methods, and a growing recognition of the importance of early intervention.

Rising Demand for Assessments

One of the primary reasons for the rise in people seeking autism and ADHD diagnoses is the increased awareness and understanding of these conditions. Campaigns by organisations like the National Autistic Society and ADHD Foundation have helped educate the public, leading more individuals to recognise the signs and seek professional evaluations. Additionally, improved screening methods in schools and healthcare settings have facilitated earlier identification of potential cases.

The Right to Choose

To address the backlog and provide more timely assessments, the NHS introduced the "Right to Choose" scheme in England. This initiative allows individuals registered with an English GP to choose where they receive their autism or ADHD assessment, potentially reducing wait times. Providers like Psicon, ProblemShared, and Provide Wellbeing offer assessments through this scheme, with wait times ranging from 5-9 months. The Divergent Space in Skipton where I practice therapy also carry out screening and comprehensive assessments.  To access the Right to Choose service, individuals must request a referral from their GP for an autism or ADHD assessment. The GP will then complete a referral form and send it directly to the chosen provider.

Support and Resources

While waiting for an assessment, individuals can seek support through various resources and services. Person-centred, relational integrative therapy can be beneficial in managing symptoms and developing coping strategies. Organisations like the National Autistic Society and ADHD UK offer support groups, online communities, and resources for individuals and their families.

For those seeking an assessment, the following UK-based resources can provide guidance and information.

 In conclusion, the current backlog in autism and ADHD assessments in the UK is a pressing issue, driven by increased awareness and demand. The Right to Choose scheme offers a potential solution, allowing individuals to access assessments from alternative providers. While waiting, seeking support through therapy, support groups, and online resources can be invaluable. By raising awareness and advocating for improved access to assessments and support services, we can better serve those in need of diagnosis and treatment.


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